Balance Changes
- Guard Tower Armor type changed to Fortified
- Siege Engine Level increased from 2 to 3
- Rifleman HP increased from 505 to 535
Night Elves
- Warden Shadow Strike mana cost increased from 65 to 75
- Druid of the Talon Faerie Fire duration decreased from 120 to 90
- Blade master Wind Walk duration reduced from 20/40/60 to 20/35/50
- Raider Ensnare Cooldown increased from 12 to 16
- Spirit Wolf Rank 1 Wolf Level decreased from 3 to 2
- Ivory Tower gold cost increased from 30 to 40
- Tome of Experience now gives Heroes 100 experience points, down from 150
- Orb of Venom poison duration decreased from 8 to 6
-Warcraft III will now write its registry keys on launch.
- Widescreen (stretched) resolutions should now be available in the Video options.
- You can now purchase items from shops while Hexed.
- Scroll of Town Portal will no longer be consumed when casting fails when used at the same time that your Hero is Hexed.
- Hex will no longer extend the duration of Metamorphosis.
- Hex will no longer disable mana or health regeneration of Heroes.
- Wisps Detonate ability will no longer drain mana from Heroes while under the effects of Potion of Invulnerability.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to ally with opponents when alliances were locked ("share hack").
- A gold exploit with buildings has been fixed.
Warcraft 3 Patch 1.25b Changelogs.
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